Saturday, July 26, 2008

.: What I want in the next 10 years :.

just want to share and encourage myself to achieve what i, here i go :-

1. Dr. Nur Hafiza (taking master in obstetrics and gnaecology)

hehe..future car, insya allah
2.owning my own car (BMW)

3.married to the person i love hajj at mecca with par

5.isteri solehah..hehe

6.master 1 new language (french or japan or korea, or whatever)

7.have my own house

8.salary with 5 digits before cent,hehe..

9.a better servant to Allah, better then yesterday (upgrade my iman, hehe)

hope that i can achieve them...insya
what do you want in the next 10 years???? huhuhu...think again

Monday, July 21, 2008

.-. transformation.-. (haha)

cube teka aku yang mane?? haha...kanan tula aku..

2002- time ni baru lepas pertandingan tarik tali..ari sukan sekolah kat kajang utama...
kalu korang nak tau, camnila rupe aku dulu..gemok.itam.dan tembam.hahahaha....dulu aku slalu kena ejek ngn family members..bile makan, mesti ejek .."eleh, makn byak la tu..tambah gemokla...."
kalu tak makan lak.." ke??"
mmg time tu, slalu tension sal berat badan.baru dajah 6 tapi nak cecah 60 kg! gle berat la time tu..
but i want to make a change..malam2 aku slalu ngis sorang pk sume orng benci kat aku..
hm..hine sgt ke org gemok cam aku ni??? huwaaa...cte sedey la plak kan..

Actually, i cannot blame other people cuz aku gemok sbb MAKAN BANYAK! haha...mane taknye, time duduk rumah nenek aku, dia asek tambah je nasi.sehari makan 3 kali.skali makn tambah 3 kali.disebabkan aku takot kat nenek aku yang garang tu, aku pon ngap2 la..haha.
pastu..hmm...sume org asyik ckp aku gemok je.sume ejek.pena skali tu aku naikla beskal yang setempat tu, yang tak gerak tu.pastu abg aku kate.."ko kayuhla sampai bile2, takkan kurusla!!" (pastu gelak2)
huh! tak boleh jadi...sampai bile aku nak terus gemok camni!! tidakkk!! nnti tkde sape nak kat aku.dahla gemok, tak bape pandai plak tu...
hm...cane nak kurus ni??!!!

2008-gambar terbaru kat UKM..amacam?? berjaya tak aku mengecikkan badan aku?? haha..perasan sape2 yang nak tips boleh la mintak kat aku..hehe..sebenarnye, tak salah kalu badan kite ni gemok tapi kena pastikanla sehat..sbb kalu kite gemok sbb byk makan n kurang bersenam, it can lead to various kind of diseases..obesity,kencing manis, darah tinggi etc..
so kite kena slalu ingt yang tubuh kite ni hanye la pinjaman daripada Allah, so kena la jage elok2 escpecially pemakanan kite...skang ni byk sgt fast food yang berlemak cream..hehe, bole makan
tapi kena kurang2 kanla...k! i hope sape yang seperjuangan dgn aku untuk terus maju menguruskan badan berjaya untuk mendapat tubuh badan yang ideal dan sihat.kerana dalam tubuh yang sihat terdapatnye otak yang cerdas(betol ke ape aku tulis ni??), jagelah kesihatan anda dengan sebaik2nye...

tips2 menguruskan badan :-

1.bersenam frequently (sekarang da kurang, kena tambah balik senaman!)

2.minum air dengan banyak

3.kurangkan fast food

4.kurangkan tidur yang berlebihan

5.jgn tension2 (sbb ade org kuat makan bile tension)

ade byk lagi care sebenarnye tapi nilah yang pling mudah...hehe

p/s : transformasi ini berjaya dilakukan tanpa bantual pil kurus atau treatment menguruskan badan yang mahal.hahahahaha!!!


haha..kat UKM ni mmg takde kitorg takde tempat yang nak dituju..
destinasi yang slalu menjadi pilihan..PUSANIKA..
tempat ni kire tempat 'shopping' kitorg..

hehe...bahagia tul time ni..sbb dapat nek bas g jalan2..kalu duk kat hostel je bosan..tapi esoknye lepas jalan2 tu kitorg tiga sakit pulak..terlebih mkan kot time berbuka tu...hehe.time ni kitorng puase.tapi teringin nak berjalan.kelas aku ngan safiyyah dah abis tapi nani nye kelas kat tutor (ustaz basdi) tak abes2 lagi.terpaksela piyah ni plak nak g beli tudung.sampai2 je kedai da tutup sbb lmbt tggui kelas nani abes..nak wat cane...len kali je la pegi..huhu..sempat beli wafer je..waaaa

safiyyah,nani,mardiyah,fiza (kat kedai kek n roti)

time ni mmg makan byk gile la...hehe...ade satu time tu, aku n piyah g kedai ni, aku beli la kek blueberry ni, kongsi sesame..pastu tetibe pakcik kedai tu tanye pena tak rase kek tiramisu ni? (dia tunjukla kat kek tu) patu ckpla, tak pena..dia bg kitorg kek tiramisu tu free je...mmg sedap..lembut,moist,patu ade cheese,ade kacang badam yang nipis tu, patu layered with aising patu atas dia ade macam coklet bentuk daun..fuh..sume jeles...hehe

safiyyah,ira,nani,mar (aku takde sbb jadi camera gurl..waaa)bahagia sebab dapatr nek bas..bosan sangat duk kat kolej...hehe

.: adikku bukan adikku?? :.

mak,bapak n danny

hm...when you guys see me with my family, you wouldn't have guess that there is a story behind it.. a truly and deeply sad story... just a story to share... Aidilfitri 2007 Irfan Daniel last little brother.he was just 4, by the end of December... while everyone enjoying the eid... danny : (sambil merengek)....bapak jomla pegi kubur mama so, bapak took him to tampin and my brother mother and myself followed him...

@ the kubur
danny: assalamualaikum mama....!!(not very fluent,hehe)

bapak: dany ikut daddy bace doa untuk mama, ok?

danny:(tadah tangan,but sambil lompat2..hehe)

bapak:(tuangkan air...) danny come here..kite tuang air untk mama k..

dany: daddy, mama dah tido

bapak: ye syang.. (he could not hold his tears..and kissed danny on his forehead

i was in the car could not hold my tears...danny was so i went out the car and huggged my heart, i wanted him to understand that i will be there to love him.. that day was rather quiet and full of emotions..danny was so happy that day, didn't understand that his 'mama' will be sleeping for eternity..
so before we went home, danny said "assalamualaikum mama" and waved as if his mother could waved back...
sape danny ni is my brother but comes from a different mother. his mother died (tak tahu sbb ape..maybe dah sampai ajal) in, kitorgla yang jage first, dia mmg tak nak lansung kat kitorg.dia asyik nak berkepit ngn bibik je. 3 tahun je dia dapat rase kasih sayang daripada mama dia.itupun mama dia busy je, bibik yang jage dia..bibik ni pulak keja lepak je..geram btol! mase dia dtg kat rumah kitorg( yang kat maahad tula), dia lansung tak nak wat keja sbb dia kate bkn mak yang gaji dia tapi 'mama'.danny tido, dia tido.dany tgk tv dia nak kate ape...but that is a different but related story.. mak, and myself never meet mama when she was still know what was the real reason was...terkilan la jugak ...
danny sekarang panggil mak kitorg mak jugak..kitorg dah anggap dia mcm adik sendiri..tapi maybe adik yang bongsu (sepatutnye, aida yang dajah 5 taun ni) macam jeles la ngn danny ni.biaselatu, danny dah amik takhta dia kan.. but the person i admired most in dealing with this situation is my mother. she is the one who keep loving him untill now, dany feels like mak was his mother...but mama was never forgotten cuz he keeping calling her in his dreams somtimes, and maybe when he was crying for some reasons.. losing a mother's does that feels?? i'm thankful that i still has a mother.. alhamdulilllah...i want to cherish her until my last breath...
but sometimes, pepahamla, bebudak ske menangis, mengade2..kadang tak tahan dgn peragai budak kecik.kena anta dia pegi tadika, tak nak pegila, menangis pagi2 la,tak nak mandi, buang baju...dah lali dgn benda camtu..take that as a practice for my future life,hehe...mmg kena byak bersabar nak membesarkan an will try to deal with it, cuz maybe dia jadi mcm tu sbb rase there is something missing from him...

al-fatihah to arwah mama... may Allah bless her..and i will try to mould danny to be a son who is soleh and always pray for her mama...kakak syg danny...huwaaa...sedih plak

kakak cyg danny...pergh..bleh plak posing dak ni...

one day,when i want to send danny to his tadika at bangi, he stared at some of his friends that were accompanied with their mother and some with both of their he saw that his friends were kissed and waved by his or her mother before entering the, hehe.before entering the tadika..he said to me,while crying dari rumah sebab tak nak pergi tadika "kakak iza (panggilan yang direka oleh danny, hehe) syg danny (meaning kiss) okey..syg danny kat tadika" so everytime i sent him to tadika, i have to kiss him..rase mcm jadi mak la pulak..hehe..klaka pulak...

sleeping danny....

this is a true story..i'm not really good in words so mcm tak pandai sgt nak express what i really bkn adikku means that danny is my brother, real one but does not come from the same mother..huhu...

Sunday, July 20, 2008

-._Embryology in the Quran_.-

One of the sciences that is given attention in the Quran is embryology and specifically the development of the embryo/fetus inside the mother's womb. Much of the detailed information given in the Quran has not been discovered until long after the revelation of the Quran. Numerous scientists have written about this amazing scientific content of the Quran, one of which is Keith L. Moore, Ph.D., F.I.A.C, at the Department of Anatomy, University of Toronto, Canada.

"He creates you in your mothers bellies in stages,

creation after creation, in three veils of darkness

( ...dia menjadi
kan dalam perut ibumu kejadian
demi kejadian dalam tiga kegelapan...)

surah Az-Zumar (39:6)

"The three veils of darkness"may refer to:

(l) the anterior abdominal wall;

(2) the uterine wall; and

(3) the amniochorionic membrane.

Although there are other interpretations of this statement, the one presented here seems the most logical from an embryological point of view.

"Then We placed him as a 'notfah' (tiny drop) in a

'qarar makeen' (well protected place of rest)."

[ kemudian kami jadikan saripati itu air mani (yang disimpan) dalam tempat yang kukuh (rahim)..] surah al-mu'minuun (23:13)

The drop or nutfah has been interpreted as the sperm or spermatozoon, but a more meaningful interpretation would be the zygote which divides to form a blastocyst which is implanted in the uterus ("a place of rest"). This interpretation is supported by another verse in the Qur'an which states that "a human being is created from a mixed drop." The zygote forms by the union of a mixture of the sperm and the ovum ("The mixed drop").

"Then We made the drop into a 'alaqah' (leech-like structure)."

[ lalu setitis mani itu kami jadikan segumpal darah..]

surah al-mu'minuun (23: 14)

leech-like structure embryo

The word "alaqah" refers to something that clings (like a leech or bloodsucker). This is an appropriate description of the human embryo from days 7-24 when it clings to the endometrium of the uterus, in the same way that a leech clings to the skin. Just as the leech derives blood from the host, the human embryo derives blood from the decidua or pregnant endometrium. It is remarkable how much the embryo of 23-24 days resembles a leech.As there were no microscopes or lenses available in the 7th century, doctors would not have known that the human embryo had this leech-like appearance. In the early part of the fourth week, the embryo is just visible to the unaided eye because it is smaller than a kernel of wheat.

"Then of that leech-like structure, We made a

'mudghah' (chewed-shaped lump)."

[ dari segumpal darah itu kami jadikan segumpal daging ]

This statement is also from
surah al-mu'minuun (
23:14). The Arabic word "mudghah" means "chewed substance or chewed lump." Toward the end of the fourth week, the human embryo looks somewhat like a chewed lump of flesh. The chewed appearance results from the somites which resemble teeth marks. The somites represent the beginnings or primordia of the vertebrae.


"Then We made out of the chewed lump, bones,

and clothed the bones in flesh."

[ dan segumpal daging itu kami jadikan tulang belulang,

lalu tulang belulang itu kami baluti dengan daging]


This continuation of surah al-mu'minuun ( 23:14) indicates that out of the chewed lump stage, bones and muscles form. This is in accordance with embryological development. First the bones form as cartilage models and then the muscles (flesh) develop around them from the somatic mesoderm.


"Then We developed out of it another creature."

[ kemudian kami jadikan dia makhluk yang (berbentuk lain) ]


These next words in surah al-mu'minuun 23:14 implies that the bones and muscles result in the formation of another creature. This may refer to the human-like embryo that forms by the end of the eighth week. At this stage it has distinctive human characteristics and possesses the primordia of all the internal and external organs and parts. After the eighth week, the human embryo is called a fetus. This may be the new creature to which the verse refers.


"And He gave you hearing and sight and

feeling and understanding."

[ kemudian Dia menjadikan bagi kamu pendengaran, penglihatan,

dan hati..]

surah al-Sajadah (32:9)

a newborn baby

These words in surah al-Sajadah 32:9 indicates that the special senses of hearing, seeing, and feeling develop in this order, which is true. The primordia of the internal ears appear before the beginning of the eyes, and the brain (the site of understanding) differentiates last.


"And We cause whom We will to rest in the

wombs for an appointed term."

[ ...dan kami tetapkan dalam rahim apa (siapa) yang kami kehendaki sampai waktu yang telah ditentukan ...]

surah al- Hajj (22:5)

(ni la aku nanti..menyambut kelahiran..huhu..cek2..hehe)

These words in surah al- Hajj 22:5 seem to imply that Allah determines which embryos will remain in the uterus until full term. It is well known that many embryos abort during the first month of development, and that only about 30% of zygotes that form, develop into fetuses that survive until birth. This verse has also been interpreted to mean that Allah determines whether the embryo will develop into a boy or girl.

The interpretation of the verses in the Qur'an referring to human development would not have been possible in the 7th century A.D., or even a hundred years ago. We can interpret them now because the science of modern Embryology affords us new understanding. Undoubtedly there are other verses in the Qur'an related to human development that will be understood in the future as our knowledge increases.

adapted and modified from

and images from

and thats why i love biology(haha..skema gile..nerdy btol) subhanallah...

.: Dr. Nur Hafiza??? :.

dont be mistaken with the tittle "Dr." because im not a doctor yet.but i will be one in the next six years..this tittle acts as an encouragement for me to work hard and strive for what i want to be one day..hehe...mcm perasan sekejap but i take it positively cuz if u want something u have to set ur mind into it. maybe some people would asked me, why doctor??

most of us consider if you want to become a doctor, its typical.but what it really takes to become one? its not an easy job and people would set in their mind being a doctor is glamorous cuz you have that tittle "dr." in front of your name. For me, its not about having that tittle alone although sometimes its good to set ur mind thinking that to have that tittle, you are a great person. for me, not just being a great person, but being a great muslim as well. You are being respected because you are not just qualified to become one, but you have also endure the pain and the hard work to become a doctor, and for me, that is the thing to be proud of cuz in the same time, people will respect me as a doctor who is a muslim...huhu

what does it takes to be a good doctor??

1. sacrifice. include time, energy, and emotion. it for money or for the sake of humanity? u choose.

3.communication. good communicating skill is crucial as you will deal with patients from various age.

4.lovable. (for those who are impatience and hot-tempered like me, make a change now! hehe)

5. make your work in detail.u are dealing with people's live! ( cuz ade kes patient mati sbb dr. ambil mudah dan tak detail.etc, kalu ade kesakitan yang melibatkan pernafasan and sakit dada, cek dgn detail cuz associated with various kind of diseases such as heart attack, stroke, suffocation,etc. )

6.ethical ( irresponsible doctors, out..hehe)


after you have completed the medical education (including theory and practical) for about five or six years (depending where you study),and complete horsemanship in a gov. hospital after two years( dapt la gaji tapi kerja teruk sket, hehe) you will be called a general practitioner. i planned to have my master and do specialist in...jeng3..

(male obstetrician and gynecologist??? huhu)

its clear why i choose to become an obstetrician and gynecologist one day.hehe..satu, seganla kalu male doctors became specialist in pregnancy and things associated with it. kan bgus kalu there are more female O n G because we are more understanding..hehe..maybe most of the female doctors are emotional cuz there would endure and feel the pain.thats an advantage for male doctors but for me, i prefer to have a female doctor checking me if i want to give birth one day! haha...huhu.. and other reason is i want to be a muslim OnG so that less abortion is carried out ( most of if from irresponsible doctors! huh!!) and so that its easier for muslims seek for the safest, stay i go!!! (tersemangat la plak)

" a person who practices art of healing when he is not acquainted (aware or familiar) with medicine, will be responsible for his action" Hadith Prophet Muhammad S.A.W

~new life~

currently studying at UKM, 3 months preparation (Arabic language course) for middle east medical students...kat sini mmg belaja je..quite bored but having fun meeting some new friends here..tgk sume kengkawan ade blog makes me, try2 je..hehe.. time is quite packed for me but 'unfortunately' because im studying only arabic language, no homeworks for me..hehe.right now im waiting for my own LAB TOP from MARA.. hope to get it soon cuz its easier for me to do this 'blogging' thing..hehe

with my new friends kat dewan kuliah (safiyyah,mardiyah, me)

i found blogging is quite interesting cuz u can share anything, gain new experience, exchanging taughts, and obtaining new friends..haha..skema nye ayat ni..
lastly, sharing is caring...hehe so i hope for those who are experts in blogging, please give me a hand..hehe